
Youthful Skin | What are the Top Wrinkle Treatments?

Youthful skin is within your reach, thanks to today’s top wrinkle treatments. Whether you go with at-home options or interventions that take place in a dermatologist’s office, there are many possibilities to pursue. They could help you feel more confident and believe that you can defy age-related changes in meaningful, attractive ways.


Resurfacing is done with lasers and chemical peels to change the skin’s texture and appearance. It may be recommended on its own or as something that’s done after you go through another type of treatment.
Youthful Skin | What are the Top Wrinkle Treatments?

Injected Fillers

This kind of wrinkle treatment has a plumping effect to your face and reduces the prominence of lines and creases. There are many types of filler brands that can last anywhere from a few months to a year depending on which kind you use. If you would prefer something that lasts even longer, ask a dermatologist about injecting your wrinkles with fat or blood from your own body.
There are many categories ranging in popularity. One that is very popular is made with hyaluronic acid. This substance is found naturally in the body. There is also evidence to suggest that prolonged treatments could boost the amount of collagen your body makes, meaning it’s possible to get the same results using less filler. Each type works slightly differently and results vary based on your situation. Side effects are not common, but when they do occur, they manifest as swelling, redness and bruising in the area where you got the injection. Sometimes you may also see red bumps on your skin, but those tend to get better over time.
Some of the earliest types of wrinkle fillers contained collagen that came from cows. However, they were not long-lasting. Furthermore, because the products were animal-based, it was necessary to undergo allergy tests before getting this form of wrinkle treatment. Today’s collagen fillers are more advanced and pharmaceutical scientists have figured out new methods that last longer. However, be aware that allergic reactions can still occur
Youthful Skin | What are the Top Wrinkle Treatments?
There are also synthetic wrinkle fillers that contain lab-made substances that mimic collagen. Some of them offer semi-permanent wrinkle filling, which is good news if you don’t want to visit the dermatologist as often. However, keep in mind that wrinkle fillers that last longer have a higher probability of side effects and if they are administered incorrectly. They may cause your face to get disfigured. Nodules under the skin may also develop and have to be removed via surgical procedures. Although you cannot always anticipate side effects, talking with your doctor and understanding more about the risk factors that may be more likely in your situation makes it easier to weigh the pros and cons and decide whether or not to proceed.

Topical Wrinkle Treatments

There are many kinds of wrinkle creams available at drug stores over the counter and with prescriptions. Many of them include a form of retinol, which has an age-defying effect. Although the recommended application strategies vary, you’ll probably apply them at least once per day. Some of them have the same kind of plumping effect as fillers because once you apply them to the skin, they cause it to look fuller so the lines and wrinkles are not as obvious.


You may also apply Frownies to your face, which are adhesive products that hold the skin tight as you sleep. These are especially common for treating forehead wrinkles. Some people do what is known as facial yoga to hold areas of the face in certain ways to smooth wrinkles for about a minute at a time, but Frownies have the same effect and work while you sleep.

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Written by Rosa

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