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It’s Cold and Flu Season, Now What?
No one wants to be down and out from a cold or flu. There’s a few reasons for that. The first is the ick factor. No one feels good while they have a cold or flu. The symptoms are uncomfortable and often gross. Sore throats, nasal issues and coughing make you feel terrible. Headaches and […] More
Promoting Bladder Health and Avoiding a UTI
Many people wonder how common a urinary tract infection (UTI) is. For many women, they are incredibly common. In fact, around 1 in 2 of all women will develop a UTI at some point during their lives. Considering just how often people get a UTI, people’s knowledge of them can be pretty low. Improving knowledge […] More
Summertime Vitamins and Supplements Everyone Needs
While most people find it easier to eat a more varied diet during the summer, what with fresh fruits and veggies being more readily available, taking the right nutritional supplements is still important. In fact, with the changing of the season and increase in heat, humidity, and sun, most people’s bodies are actually more deficient […] More
Best Food To Eat Before Your Workout
We all find excuses not to eat before a workout, but this terrible habit needs to stop. Why? Think of a car, before you go on a long drive, you fill it up with fuel, right? So, why don’t you do the same thing for your body? If you want to maximize your performance throughout […] More
After A Six Pack You’ll Need To Avoid These Foods!
It’s admirable when you see someone sporting a ripped midriff; it’s not just that it looks nice, it’s the dedication, the spirit, the time, and the effort that goes into it. A lot of the time all it takes is seeing one seriously ripped dude or chick with an epic looking tummy to get you […] More
5 Easy Pre-Workout Snack Ideas Before Your Hour-long Workout
Before your workout fuels your muscles to be stronger, you must fuel your body the right way to make your sweaty time as effective as possible. The best way to do so? Eating the right food before you head out for that run, spin class, or hour at the gym. If your workout is less […] More
Going On A 10K Run? Here Are 10 Tasty Pre-Run Snacks To Fuel Your Workout
Running is a great way to exercise your body and mind, build up endurance, and burn some serious calories along the way. If you’ve mastered your 5k morning runs and want to push yourself a little further, you need to eat smart to get the most out of your run. This starts with your pre-run […] More
Want To Lose Weight and Gain Muscle? Forget Counting Calories And Start Counting Macros
Raise Your Hands If You’ve Ever Been on a Restrictive Diet. We’re guessing that’s a whole lot of you mentally raising your hands right now… Health awareness, societal pressures, and the need to fit into that size 2 dress for the summer are motivators to lose weight we are all too familiar with. If you’ve […] More
Six Health Benefits Your Body Will Thank You For Once You Start Drinking Yerba Mate Tea
Our lives are inundated with countless great things that we have South American to thank for. Think quinoa, churros, Salsa (the food AND the dance), and now, Yerba Mate tea. If you’ve ever paid a visit to Latin America, particularly Paraguay, Uruguay, or Argentina, you will have undoubtedly noticed that this miracle concoction is consumed […] More
5 Mistakes That Are Making You Suffer From Water Retention
Water retention often makes itself known through the swelling of ankles, wrists, hands, and feet, as well as bloating in the stomach. If you’re suffering from the uncomfortable feeling that comes with these side-effects, keep reading. Edema, more commonly known as water retention, occurs when fluids in the cells and tissues accumulate instead of getting […] More
Food You’re Eating That’s Making You Look Older
Come on we all know a bad diet means an increased waistline and unhealthy body, but it’s just so tempting! There’s another thing that suffers when you eat all the food that tastes so good but, is so bad for you. Your skin, hair, and nails suffer the consequences of poor diet choices. Eating bad […] More
Ditch The Matcha: 7 Reasons You Should Be Drinking Moringa Tea Every Morning
The battle of the greens has officially begun, and it looks like we have an obvious winner! Cafes, fruit stands, and health stores have all incorporated the special powdered green tea into everything from smoothies to Matcha lattes, but the new contender packs quite a punch when it comes to nutritional benefits. Moringa Oleifera, also […] More