
Types of TRX Equipment and Where to Buy Them

Your workout is boring and mixing in sit-ups, aerobics and the circuit hasn’t helped. Discover TRX suspension training equipment!

Discovering the Benefits of TRX Suspension Training

Types of TRX Equipment and Where to Buy Them
Any exercise routine can become stale, which is where TRX suspension training can help.

Instituting muscle-blasting workouts triggers progress

A plateau is often the first sign. You’ve hit a plateau when your body has adjusted to your workout and you stop seeing progress. To push past this point, you need to change your routine. That’s where suspension training and the TRX for home gym kit can help. TRX stands for Total-Body Resistance Exercise and was developed by Randy Hetrick, Standford Graduate and former Navy SEAL. Before finding out where to buy TRX know that, during the exercises, you’ll place your feet into stirrups, secured to a bar or branch sturdy enough support a dangling adult.
Types of TRX Equipment and Where to Buy Them

It’s really convenient

One of the benefits of TRX suspension training is convenience. The basic TRX kit is a gym in a bag, consisting of two adjustable straps that users can hang from any bar or tree branch that is high enough to hold your legs or arms above the floor or ground. Instead of weights, your body and gravity provide resistance during your workout. Infinitely portable, the basic kit also includes a bracket for hanging from doors, making the kit great workout gear for hotel rooms. In addition to the home gym, TRX makes the Go kit which is their lightest and the easiest to carry to outdoor workouts or suspension training classes. TRX also offers optional anchoring systems. The discreet TRX Invisi-Mount can hide behind a picture when you are not using it. If your workout space is limited, consider buying an Xmount. The Xmount is a low profile ceiling anchor, so you’ll purchase TRX Xtender straps for your workouts.
Types of TRX Equipment and Where to Buy Them

There’s a ton of room for expansion

You can expand your TRX for home gym with accessories. Add a jump rope and enjoy intense aerobic interval training. Add the Enso Roller and you can ease sore muscles to speed recovery. There are resistance cords of increasing difficulty to help bodybuilders bulk up. Since you can’t reap the benefits of TRX suspension training without the proper exercises, there are posters and apps to help you learn new movements and remind you which position comes next. As you get comfortable with TRX buy online specialty bundles that have accessories for specific sports. If you are active in sports all year, consider a seasonal training program like the winter sport conditioning workout or the all over conditioning of the Multisport Strength workout.
Types of TRX Equipment and Where to Buy Them

TRX training is functional

Training sessions move students through eight basic movements, reflecting those of daily life in the three planes of motion. The Sagittal or lateral plane is where most daily motion happens, so many TRX exercises focus here. Arms and legs move up, down, forward and backward while the spine remains stationary in the Sagittal plane. In the coronal or frontal plane, the spine or body moves from side to side. Rarely addressed, the transverse or axial plane features rotation. In total, you can execute more than 100 different exercises using the basic movements of hinge, rotate, squat push, pull, squat, lunge and plank. Many exercises are variations of those that you already know. Atomic push-ups and suspended lunges are the same push-ups and lunges you’ve performed without the TRX system, but executed while one or both of your feet are in stirrups. Exercises like the suspended knee tuck and gliding plank may be trickier since many suspension exercises lack earthbound equivalents. There are isolation exercises targeting one muscle group at a time while integrated exercises use interconnected muscle groups in multiple planes. The integrated exercises are also said to enhance the nervous system’s capacity to coordinate movement.
Types of TRX Equipment and Where to Buy Them

What’s the cost of TRX?

The cost of TRX training systems may seem low when you realize how effective suspension training is. Created specifically for suspension training or derived from floor-bound methods, the exercises engage every muscle in your body while targeting specific muscle groups. With feet or arms in the straps, your core muscles work harder to stabilize your body leading to surprisingly intense workouts. Students have reported better balance, greater flexibility and an improved range of motion as the benefits of TRX suspension training they notice most. Women appreciate the intense workouts that don’t add bulk to feminine figures.

Classes for introverts, downloads for extroverts

Well, you don’t have to be an extrovert to enjoy and benefit from formal suspension lessons. Since TRX certifies trainers, you may find a class at the local YMCA or fitness facility that enhance TRX for home gym workouts. Suspension classes offer personalized instruction allowing people from divergent fitness backgrounds to enjoy the same suspension class. Classes can include lessons on attaching the suspension straps and exercises that support other sports. Some classes will raise your heart rate and challenge your endurance while others are more like yoga on ropes. In fact, you can participate in a suspension class that is specifically designed for yoga, as well as classes that condition you for tennis, MMA and lacrosse. You can purchase TRX workouts from their library of DVD and downloadable programs. Along with sports conditioning lessons, you can choose workouts for a healthy back, healthy joints, endurance and flexibility. Stored in your smart phone, you can take the class and suspension system with you to a favorite workout spot.

There’s even travel opportunities

There are instances where to buy TRX sessions you must first make a hotel reservation or join a beach boot camp. Suspension training is spreading to exotic health resorts and spas in places like Thailand, Greece and Portugal. When planning for vacation sessions with TRX buy online workout videos and practice before leaving to ease any jitters over classes and strangers. Your well-toned, flexible body will be ready for that swimsuit or 20-mile hike because of your devotion to suspension training.

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Written by Rosa

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