
Rock A Flat Stomach With This 10 Minute Daily Workout

Who doesn’t want to be in shape and rock a flat stomach? Exactly, it’s something nearly everyone dreams of, but we realize that it’s much easier said than done. 
Having said that, it is still achievable if, and only if, you put your mind to it. Keep in mind; it’s not just the exercises you set out to do, it’s what you eat, too. 
Here’s a stomach exercise routine you can do anywhere, we suggest you lay on a mat, there’s nothing worse than friction burn from a carpet. 
So, here’s how this is going to work, you’re going to do 8 exercise, time each one for 45 seconds with a 15-second rest between each exercise. Now, remember, you know and understand your body so work to your abilities and flexibilities, you will get better with time. Let’s get started? 

1 Flutter Kicks 

Rock A Flat Stomach With This 10 Minute Daily Workout
This exercise is great for toning your hips and tightening your core. 
Here’s how it’s done: 
  1. Lay down on your mat with your arms by your side. 
  2. Lift your shoulders off of the ground to engage your core. 
  3. Lift both legs in the air, so that your heels are facing the ceiling. 
  4. Now, drop one leg, but do not let it touch the floor. 
  5. As you lift that leg back up, drop the other. 
Time = 45 seconds. 
*Remember: Keep your core contracted the whole time.

2 Rotation Crunch 

Rock A Flat Stomach With This 10 Minute Daily Workout
You’ll be working your abs and your obliques. 
Here’s how it’s done: 
  1. Lay down on your mat, bend your knees and place your feet firmly on the ground at around hip-width apart. 
  2. Put your hands behind your head. 
  3. Lift your shoulders and upper back off of the floor with your left arm extended to touch your right leg (outer thigh). 
  4. Return to starting position and repeat on the other side. 
Time = 45 seconds. 
*Remember: Make sure your core is tight throughout the exercise.

3 Pilates Side Hip Raise

Rock A Flat Stomach With This 10 Minute Daily Workout
This is great for working your obliques and your lower back. 
Here’s how it’s done: 
  1. Lay on your side with your knees bent. 
  2. Lift your body up, and rest on your forearm. You should have your thighs and stomach off the ground. 
  3. With your other arm, rest your hand on your hip to keep you balanced. 
  4. Now, dip your hip towards the ground and then back up towards the ceiling. 
Time = 45 seconds. 
Repeat on the other side for another 45 seconds. 
*Remember: Keep your core engaged and your shoulder in line with your elbow (the arm on the ground).

4 Russian Twists

Rock A Flat Stomach With This 10 Minute Daily Workout
You’ll work your lower back mostly, which will strengthen your core. 
Here’s how it’s done: 
  1. Sit on your tailbone. Your back should be at a 45-degree angle from the ground. 
  2. Bend your knees, and have your feet firmly on the ground. 
  3. With your arms in front of your lower chest, rotate from left to right. 
Time = 45 seconds. 
*Remember: Keep your core tight and your back straight, chest held up high.

5 Toe Touch Crunch 

Rock A Flat Stomach With This 10 Minute Daily Workout
This exercise is great for toning your upper and lower abs. 
Here’s how it’s done: 
  1. Lay down flat on your back. 
  2. Lift your legs, so that your feet are facing the ceiling. 
  3. Extend your arms in front of you. 
  4. Lift up off the ground, and touch your fingers to your legs. With time you should be able to touch your toes.
Time = 45 seconds. 
*Remember: Lift with your core, not your back.

6 Pilates Leg Pulls 

Rock A Flat Stomach With This 10 Minute Daily Workout
You’ll feel your glutes and hamstrings burning, but you’re working your abs like mad. 
Here’s how it’s done: 
  1. Get in pushup position, keeping your body straight. 
  2. Lift your left leg up toward the ceiling and then back down to the ground. 
  3. Lift your right leg up toward the ceiling and then back down to the ground. 
  4. Repeat. 
Time = 45 seconds. 
*Remember: You core should be engaged the whole time.

7 Toe Taps

Rock A Flat Stomach With This 10 Minute Daily Workout
This will work wonders on toning your abs. 
Here’s how it’s done: 
  1. Get into an upside-down pushup position, so that your stomach is facing the ceiling. 
  2. Lift your left leg up to the ceiling and then back down to the ground. 
  3. Lift your right leg up to the ceiling and then back down to the ground. 
  4. Repeat. 
Time = 45 seconds. 
*Remember: Keep your core tight, your shoulders, elbows, and wrists should be all in line.

8 Knee Tuck Crunches 

Rock A Flat Stomach With This 10 Minute Daily Workout
You’ll get your lower and upper abs burning with this exercise. 
Here’s how it’s done: 
  1. Lay down on your back with your arms by your sides. 
  2. Lift up your knees, so that they are in tabletop position at 90 degrees. 
  3. Lower your left leg with your knee bent, tap the floor then lift your left leg back to your starting position. 
  4. Lower your right leg with your knee bent, tap the floor then lift your right leg back to the starting position. 
  5. Repeat. 
Time = 45 seconds. 
*Remember: Keep your tummy engaged. 
Throughout all the exercises remember to breathe, and do the movements at your own pace, there is no need to rush. 
Good Luck!

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Written by Rosa

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