Muscular atrophy is where the mass in the muscle decreases. Some people may suffer from complete atrophy or only partial. Muscular atrophy can be caused by a broad variety of different ailments. Muscular atrophy leads to muscle weakness and can result in the total loss of that muscle. For example, if a person develops atrophy in their hand, they may eventually lose the complete use of that hand. It is important if a person starts to notice that they are having the symptoms of atrophy, they need to see their doctor as soon as possible. Their doctor can complete tests to determine what has caused atrophy and how best to treat it. There are several different treatments that can work for the treatment of muscular atrophy, but it will all depend on the root cause of the muscular atrophy.
Causes of Muscular Atrophy
There are many different conditions and diseases that will cause muscular atrophy. One of the first and foremost causes is a person not using their muscles. For example, if a person is confined to a bed due to other health issues they may experience muscle atrophy in their legs, hands, and feet. Other causes of muscular atrophy include multiple sclerosis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, burns, liver failure, ALS, and Dejerine-Sottas Syndrome. A medication known as Glucocorticoids may cause muscle atrophy by breaking down the muscle proteins. This medication is commonly used to treat inflammatory conditions and allergies. People may also be prone to muscular atrophy if they do not receive proper nutrition. If a person presents with atrophy, one of the first tests that will be performed is a nerve conduction test. This nerve conduction test will find out if there is any misfiring in the nerves which may lead to a diagnosis. Doctors will also do brain scans, blood work, and other testing to get to the root cause of atrophy.
Symptoms of Muscular Atrophy
People will start to notice that they have weaknesses in wherever the muscular atrophy is located. For instance, a person that has never had any trouble opening a jar may suddenly have difficulty opening the jar. Muscular atrophy will not get better without treatment, so this issue will not go away. For some people, they can visibly see the muscle shrinking away. There is generally no pain of muscular atrophy, but there may be twitches as the muscle starts to shrink. Eventually, as the muscular atrophy gets severe, the person will lose the use of wherever that muscle is located. For example, a person who has muscular atrophy in their legs will have extreme trouble walking. They will also have trouble with staying upright. This is why it is so imperative if a person is suffering from any weakness in the muscles, they see their doctor as soon as possible. It may be possible to treat the muscular atrophy, but treatment needs to begin as soon as possible for the best results.
Treatment of Muscular Atrophy
There are several ways that muscular actually may be treated. The treatment will depend on the condition that the person is suffering from. One of the most popular treatments for muscular atrophy is to combat it with a high-protein diet and regular resistance exercises. This will help to improve muscle strength and help to build muscle. Another treatment option is amino acid therapy. The absence of muscle building amino acids in the body can help to contribute to muscle wasting. An amino acid therapy can be helpful to regenerate that damaged tissue. SARM’s are currently being tested to see if they can help with muscular atrophy. These will have fewer side effects and help to promote growth and regeneration. There is a need for more clinical trials for this to be thoroughly tested. One last treatment for muscular atrophy is the use of functional electrical stimulation. Doctors have seen great results in paraplegic patients, and they are starting to highly recommend this treatment for those who may suffer from muscular atrophy to help rebuild the muscle.
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