
Your Morning Routine Is Making You Gain Weight

If you’re looking to lose weight, you’ll need to rethink your morning routine!
Finally, you’re almost there, at your target weight, but those last few pounds just won’t shift. You decided to cut out the obvious wrongdoers, but it’s just not happening, so where are you going wrong?
You’re simply starting your day off all wrong! Here’s what you need to stop doing every morning to start your day right and get back on the weight loss train:


Your Morning Routine Is Making You Gain Weight
We all know that not enough sleep makes us gain weight, but that doesn’t mean sleeping too much will help you lose weight! You need to be sleeping between seven to nine hours of sleep a night. Any more or any less and you’ll be back on the weight gaining shuttle!

Getting Ready In The Dark

Your Morning Routine Is Making You Gain Weight
If you get up and keep the blinds closed then get ready, you’re stopping your body from waking up and registering the morning. Sunlight lets your body know it’s time to get up and get working. So, open your blinds and let the light in even on an overcast day.

Leaving Your Bed Unmade

Your Morning Routine Is Making You Gain Weight
The key is not just getting enough sleep, but you want a good night’s sleep as well. If you don’t make your bed first thing is the morning, when you get back into your messy bed you stop your body from getting relaxed and comfortable. Even Charles Doug, in his book The Power Of Habit, suggested that bed making leads to people carrying out more good habits throughout the rest of the day.

Why Breakfast? 

Your Morning Routine Is Making You Gain Weight
 Adelle Davis’ saying goes “Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper.” And research keeps backing this up; you need to eat a satisfying breakfast, a balanced lunch, and a light dinner.

You Don’t Weigh In

Your Morning Routine Is Making You Gain Weight
We all hate the scales and dread seeing the number they give us. But, some studies have exposed that people who take the time to weigh themselves on a regular basis are much more successful at losing weight and keeping it off! So, before you get ready once or twice throughout the week, hop on the scale and see what it tells you and take it as a motivational number, not a defeating number.

What do you think?

Written by Rosa

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