
5 Mistakes That Are Making You Suffer From Water Retention

Water retention often makes itself known through the swelling of ankles, wrists, hands, and feet, as well as bloating in the stomach. If you’re suffering from the uncomfortable feeling that comes with these side-effects, keep reading.
Edema, more commonly known as water retention, occurs when fluids in the cells and tissues accumulate instead of getting flushed out. Luckily, this condition is an easily reversible one, as it is often caused by mistakes that we are making in the way that we eat, move, or drink.
Here are the 5 reasons why your body is retaining water, and the easy ways that you can reverse the effects of each mistake:

1. You’re not eating enough magnesium-rich food

5 Mistakes That Are Making You Suffer From Water Retention
Magnesium is one of the many unsung heroes in your body, responsible for over 300 enzymatic reactions that make it function properly.
One of its many benefits is helping your body flush out all the fluids and water, so being magnesium deficient is one of the most common reasons behind your swollen extremities.
Solution: eat more magnesium in the form of nuts, quinoa, dark chocolate, kale, or any dark leafy greens. Alternatively, you can take magnesium as a supplement.

2. You’re eating too much salt

5 Mistakes That Are Making You Suffer From Water Retention
This doesn’t necessarily mean that you are spilling table salt in excess on every meal you’re having.
Sodium is found in everything from packaged noodles to canned vegetables. It is also highly present in processed goods like sodas, hot dogs, and cold cuts.
Solution: Steer clear of processed foods and beverages, and switch to fresh fruits and vegetables instead. Taking Himalayan salt baths have also been proven as an effective way of reversing the effects of excessive levels of sodium on the body.

3. You’re not getting enough Vitamin B6

5 Mistakes That Are Making You Suffer From Water Retention
Vitamin B6 is an essential mineral that helps balance the water in your body. That’s why not having enough of it can throw your fluid balance out of range, causing you to suffer from edema.
Solution: Load up on pistachios, skin-on potatoes, bananas, dried fruits, and sunflower seeds for a vitamin B6 boost!

4. You’re not drinking enough water

5 Mistakes That Are Making You Suffer From Water Retention
As ironic as it may sound, drinking more water helps your body get rid of the excess fluids that are held up by your cells and organs causing you to feel bloated and swollen.
The more dehydrated your body gets, the more it holds onto any and all fluids to help keep your organs functioning properly.
Solution: Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! Make sure to always consume at least 8 glasses of water every day. You’ll be in the clear when your urine is anywhere between pale yellow and a colorless fluid.

5. You’re running low on potassium

5 Mistakes That Are Making You Suffer From Water Retention
Potassium is the main mineral that serves as the electric signal transmitter, which keeps the body running smoothly. Not getting enough of the vital mineral not only increases the risk of edema and bloating but also increases the risk of heart problems.
Solution: Eat a banana every day! Bananas are loaded with potassium and are easily broken down by your digestive system, giving you the potassium boost your body is craving.
Other great sources of potassium are also tomatoes, avocados, or melons.
If you are suffering from bloating caused by PMS, running through this list and adjusting your dietary intake according to these water retention-fighting foods will truly work wonders on your painful symptoms.

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Written by Rosa

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